
Hi everyone in the Lakeview Estates Homeowners Association,

Please plan on attending our Annual Meeting being held at 10:00 am on Saturday, July 29, 2023 at the Fayette Central School, 2023 Main Street (Rt. 17) Fayette, Maine.

We need to have 1/3 of all members in good standing to have a quorum, so please plan on attending or assigning a Proxy so that you can be considered present. Thanks. I have attached a Proxy Form so that you can get this done if you can't attend, as well as the Official Meeting notice. The Proxy Form will also be sent again with the Agenda, which will be sent out soon.

A few other items - 

A very nice ring has been found at the common lot recently.  If it is yours, please email and describe it so it can get back on your finger. Thanks, Erica and Corey. 

Some wells have been going dry, and it isn't for lack of rain! Some of these veins only have so much water, and the more houses built the more they will be depleted.  Please check for any dripping faucets and any running toilets and repair them now.  It will be no fun to have many of us without running water, and the summer is only half over. Please also try to conserve your usage.  I would also appreciate you letting me know if your well is dry so we can assess the scope of this. Thanks!

The LEHA website has a lot of information, so before you build or add a shed or garage or take occupancy on your land, check our policies. 

PLEASE sign up for Matrix Broadband. Here is the information. There is NO COMMITMENT when you sign up - they just need enough people to sign up to show that Fayette is interested.  So please do this today.  I had been putting it off but just did it and it was easy. Thanks! 

We (Matrix) are building a brand new fiber to the home network in your town. To kick off the project, we’re getting the word out and inviting residents to show their interest and support for the project. How can you show your support? Right now, we are inviting residents to subscribe with us. Subscribing can be done on our website or by visiting a local Matrix Connected Fiber (MCF) kiosk near you, or by contacting a representative for any inquiries you may have. What are the benefits? There are several benefits afforded to communities connected by fiber and we want to share them with you. With a fiber network built by MCF, you can count on: 

Fast connection speeds for work, school, gaming, social networking, streaming, and telemedicine. 

Network reliability in inclement weather and bandwidth to handle multiple devices. 

Sensible and customizable monthly plans to fit your budget. 

Dedicated support team to help you get service set up and maintain your network connection. 

Are there any costs or obligations? No, there are no costs or obligations for residents at this time. You can opt out at any time with no risk. For a limited time there will be NO installation cost for a standard fiber installation. Be sure to sign up to help ensure your home address is included in the construction plans. Stay tuned for more details! 

Ready to subscribe? 


See you on the 29th! Let me know of any questions or concerns.

Megan, President of LEHA

M. Megan Roberts 

188 Shore Rd

Fayette,Me 04349



August, 2022

Hello LEHA people,

Welcome to the newsletter, something I put together to help us all understand what is going on. This newsletter isn’t as fun as the next one might be, but it has a lot of the basic info we need to know about. I am your new President, Megan Roberts, on 188 Shore Rd, Lot 40. My contact information is below, so feel free to contact me with any concerns. A caveat, though. If you don’t like the color of someone’s house, I’m not going to get excited! I will work with you to look at our Association policies and see if there actually is a violation, and then figure out what we can do about it.

Many of us are fairly new, myself included. Being a writer, I tend to get a bit wordy. Some people like that, some don’t. If nothing else, please read the bold print. Thanks.

It is a time of changes in the Association with so many houses going in all at once, compared to the slow pace before these last few years. When each of us bought our lot, we bought into a family so to speak, with rules that help to keep this a place we can love for many years. With these changes, it may be that some of the rules need tweaking or re-defining. Any one of us can suggest a change, and if enough people feel it needs to be changed it can be voted on at our annual meeting. So remember, you are a part of what we are and what we will be. Respect for each other goes a long way, and each of us are individuals with very individual likes and dislikes.

Another great way to make a difference and have input into what you are interested in is to join a committee. Attached are the committees and their expectations, so let me know if you want to join a committee. We want a variety of opinions!

Bulk waste has been mentioned in an earlier email when a mattress was left at the Common Lot. Basically, if it doesn’t fit in the trash, recycle, or cardboard barrel it doesn’t go there but goes to Readfield. Sorry, but everything must go inside the barrels. You may think someone will want that good box you left on the barrel, but it will most likely be blown away or wet before that happens. If it is too big for the cardboard barrel, cut it or rip it down until it fits. Trash and Recycle must be bagged and then put in the barrel. Everything inside a barrel, OK? Everything else goes to the Readfield transfer station. If Readfield is difficult for you, please ask for help. I have a trailer and go by Readfield quite frequently, as do others.

Poop - If your dog or cat poops anywhere that is not on your lot, it is easy to say it is no problem and they are just pooping in the woods or beside the road. But, the catch here is that it is somebody’s lot, not yours, and you need to pick it up, Common

Lot included. You may even want to pick it up on your lot so you don’t have any unpleasant surprises. So, everywhere you go with your beloved pets, think PUP - Pick Up Poop.

The Association Dues of $350 a year are due by April 15. They pay for the road maintenance in winter and summer. It also pays for any common lot expenses (trash pick-up, kayak racks, docks and float, outhouse pumping).

Sept 15 - the annual Association Dues bill of $350 goes out. It is not due until April 15, but it is much appreciated if you pay it early by Dec 31.

If you want to pay it in two payments, the first payment of $175 is due by Dec. 31, and the second payment of $175 is due by April 15.

If you have not paid your bill by March, a second notice will go out to you.

Interest will start accruing on April 30.

We have signed a contract with Jeff Mrazik for the road maintenance, which you can find on our website. Please remember, if you have an issue with the road, don’t speak to Jeff about it. Instead contact me or a board member at He also does winter plowing of driveways if you need yours plowed.

Well, I think that is plenty for now. Please let me know if you have any questions or concerns. Peruse our website ( It is always a work in progress, so if you have something to consider adding, please contact our webmaster listed on the homepage.

Until next time, enjoy our beautiful spot.

Megan Roberts

207-778-2964 (texting is good - I probably won’t recognize your number if you call)


November 3, 2021

The minutes of our Annual Meeting are posted on the LEHA website.  Since there were no comments received, we'll consider them as final and ratify the implied vote to accept at our 2022 Annual Meeting.

The link below has information on the various hunting seasons and gun laws in Maine. Please wear your orange and outfit your dogs and children appropriately.

I've printed the LEHA boat stickers and will mail them out to those who want them. Please let me know how many you need and the best address for you. I think two per lot to start. (Also recognizing that we have limited storage space at our common area waterfront.)

Rich Hicks informs me that there are still ticks about - so be aware.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving and a warm and safe winter!

Tom Jenkins, LEHA President


April 10, 2021

Porcupines. These local beasties have come out of hibernation and pose a threat to dogs. One of our members suggests the (dog’s) wearing of a bell to alert the porcupines of the dog’s approach, causing the porcupine to climb a tree out of reach.

Wells. Drilling of a well is a speculative process. An illustration of various types of wells is shown below:

I believe that most of wells are (perched) water table wells, although an artesian well may have been hit. The cost and production/recharge of a well can vary quite a bit. Make sure you get several quotes and include the well (and septic) costs in your investment. Separation between wells and septic system leaching fields (both yours and your neighbors) is important and regulated. In the case of perched water table wells, overuse can cause a restricted water supply to dry up your (and possibly your neighbor’s)

well. We’ll be conducting a well/septic survey in the upcoming months, to assess what our membership has and/or has encountered and had to deal with – so that new members can be guided on locating their systems.

Committees. Our committees are energized and working on several projects (some seasonal). Please visit the website to see what committees we have and please consider joining. We have a diverse collection of experienced members and running a homeowners association (HOA) takes much needed and appreciated efforts from our elected Board and Committee volunteers.

Annual Meeting. Our Annual meeting is generally held on the last Saturday of July. This year it will be held on July 31st – location and time to be posted.

Bylaw Overhaul. Our Bylaws were developed by Patten Corporation over 30 years ago and the last amendment was made in 2016. The Policies and Bylaw Committee has overhauled the text of our Bylaws to ring it up to date and better reflect and clarify our Association’s operation. The DRAFT proposed bylaw overhaul has been sent to each member for review, comments and questions.

Signs. Our sign subcommittee is researching sign regulations and policies for various federal, state, county, town and HOA levels. We hope to develop a policy that will be fair, clear and acceptable for everyone.

911 Address Numbers. We have an outdated list of 911 address numbers. We are communicating with the Town to update the list and will inform members of their address numbers that should be posted at their driveways, so they can be easily seen by emergency responders.

InterNet Access. We have various types of InterNet access/WiFi capabilities in our area. Please let the Board know what success (or not) you have had with your InterNet provider, so others can be informed.


March 2021 -  Your Loon Questions Answered - Maine Lakes hosted a great webinar on loons, with all kinds of fascinating questions.  View a recording of this online event.  Register for any other webinars in the Maine Lakes series.


August, 2020 - An additional mailbox unit was purchased as indicated in the Fiscal Year 2021 budget, and installed at the entrance to Lake View Estates.  The new unit gives us a total of 32 mailboxes and four parcel boxes.  Thanks to Joe Longtin and Sandy Rioux for performing the installation.  If you are interested in using one of the available units, please contact Sandy Rioux at


Summer, 2020 

Sandy Rioux, Dave Simmons, and Joe Longtin recently refurbished the outhouse on the Common Lot.  Thanks for your hard work!


An additional rack has been built for LEHA members on the Common Lot.  Thanks to Sandy Rioux for building the unit, and to Joe and Moe Longtin and Gail Rioux for helping to install it.


Lake View Estates waterfront owners are all eligible for a free evaluation by a trained LakeSmart team for David Pond.  Basin David & Tilton Ponds Association  Water Quality Officer Deb Cayer is the coordinator of the team.  

 Learn more about LakeSmart.  

 Sign up for a Lake Smart evaluation.


See the latest information on the water level on David Pond.

View this video “Facing the Tipping Point” to see how volunteers have come together with government and lake associations to combat invasive aquatic plants in Maine lakes and ponds.


East Pond has recently completed a $2,000,000 project to control algae.

Apparently Great Pond, Long Pond, and more recently in 2020, Androscoggin Lake are experiencing Eurasion Milfoil, and the Belgrade Lakes Association is working to eradicate it.

Stay informed of the precautions all of us at Lake View Estates need to take to protect David and Basin Ponds.


University of Maine tick identification information

More from the CDC on Lyme disease, anaplasmosis, babesiosis, and Powassan virus


Learn about the environmental impact of fireworks on our local environment.


2018 - After a period of inactivity, the BDTPA has been reactivated.  Members of LEHA should consider joining this environmental advocacy group.

“BDTPA works to improve the water quality of the ponds and their total environment.  The association also educates and informs landowners, their guests, and other interested individuals on issues of water qulity, invasive plants, and other environmental and safety concerns.”     (BDTPA mission statement).  The BDTPA has been working with the Maine Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) to address the issues regarding the dam and impoundment area in recent years at the north outlet of David Pond.  Find out more at  


Starting July 1st, 2016 Fayette residents made the switch from Jay Transfer Station to the Readfield Transfer Station . All household trash and recycling will still be collected at the common lot, with the exception of bulky waste, demolition debris, and brush which can be brought to the Readfield Transfer Station by Fayette residents. 

Obtain a sticker for your vehicle at the Fayette Town Office, or bring proof of residency, such as a copy of your tax bill, or a utility statement.

Lake View residents will continue to follow the guidelines for recycling and trash disposal found at the Eco Maine website.  A sign has also been posted at the common lot for your convenience.  Please observe the signs on the bins at the common lot.  Members are responsible for hauling bulky waste items to the Readfield facility on their own.

Please note, Lake View trash/recycling pickup is on Wednesdays.



Game Wardens do patrol David Pond.  Remember, tickets can be given on the water for infractions, such as lacking personal flotation devices while boating on the pond.  The wardens are also concerned about observation of the headway buoys and of all the no wake zones, located within 200 feet of the shoreline. Please refer to The Guide to Maine Boating Laws.


“Watercraft may not be operated at a speed greater than headway speed while within the water safety zone (see definition on page 5) or within a marina or an approved anchorage in coastal or inland waters except while actively fishing. “Headway speed” means the minimum speed necessary to maintain steerage and control of the watercraft while the watercraft is moving. The operator of any watercraft must operate at a reasonable and prudent speed for existing conditions and regulate the speed of a watercraft so as to avoid danger, injury or unnecessary inconvenience in any manner to other watercraft and their occupants, whether anchored or under way. The operator must consider the effect of the wash or wave created by their watercraft to waterfront piers, floats or other property or shorelines.”


Bates College is located just south of “the lakes region” in south central Maine.  Bates has undertaken projects with students in courses and thesis research on many lakes ranging from coastal “isolation basin” lakes that were formerly depressed below sea level to density stratified lakes that contain laminated sediments that archive high resolution sediment records. Two current projects underway are on Basin Pond in Fayette and Round Pond,  Chain of Ponds Township.  

These ponds are unique–preserving detailed paleoenvironmental  records with annual resolution in finely layered deposits, similar to tree rings.

If you see equipment deployed in the water, please do not disturb it.

Read more…

N.B. This research may have been completed as of this date.